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A simple Introduction Of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is about tapping into the natural energies of the environment or Qi in order to improve your life and achieve your goals . Feng Shui is analysed by using a compass to acquire a properties direction from the Main Door .

The external Feng Shui is observed and analysis by environmental forms and formations , which include mountain shapes , mountain ranges , embrace of land by mountains , flow of water and the direction of water . Feng Shui is also takes account in the time aspects such as Land Luck Feng Shui , position of water and many more .

It does not require the placement of symbolic items , cultural figures or good luck objects . Feng Shui does not involve in any spiritual practice or any religious chanting or prayers to deities . Mainly Feng Shui is as simple as 1,2,3 if you understand the theories and don't be complicated with those classical books .