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The External Feng Shui

What is external feng shui , actually it is also called Landform Feng Shui (巒鋀) . Landform feng shui is all about the exterior of a properties feng shui . Why do always Feng Shui master said (山管人丁,水管财) , it means "mountain governs humans health and stability" while "water governs wealth" .We must also see the mountain's pattern that it had because "huge mountains generate rich people , while skinny mountain provides poor people"(山肥人富,山脊人贫) . One of the bad mountain is called "Sick Dragon" (病龙) , sick dragon is actually the mountain's Qi (山气) have been damage and so it could only provide bad Qi to any properties that surrounds it .

Now is about water , water must be slow and steady so it's calm water to give good energy (气) to provide steady income . While a rushing water wave have the opposite effect . No matter is mountain or water , the most important is the position of it , the correct position is only able to provide benefits .