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8-mansions is a formula-based system that mainly focus on the basic energy map of a property and enable proper use of the internal sectors of the house in a long-term system rather than short-term results . It is a system that works more steadily , therefore it is extremely suitable for people that buys a property for life or at least occupy it for a number of years .8-mansions is divided to 8-Gua(directions) , that has its own advantage and disadvantage .

Please be reminded , most of the Feng Shui books explains that to use your own Life Gua(命卦) to match the House Gua(宅卦) , it's a big mistake . The best way is to match and follows the House Gua to gain the most benefit from it .

Auspicious :

Heavenly Doctor , Longevity , Growth Qi and Stability - Use this area for your important parts of your home , shop , office , business premises , factory and many more .

Inauspicious :

Five Ghosts , Life Threaten , Mishaps and Six Killings - Use this area for your most inactive places such as toilet/bathroom , garage , store or even garbage areas .